Some Patterns

Over the past 10 years of blogging off and on I have posted several patterns for knitting and crochet.  I have not been very good about keep up with moving these forward through my many different blogs and since I have decided this was the very last move, I thought it was time to bring over some of those patterns.  Not all of them are relevant any longer, such as my iPod cozy, which I believe was the very first pattern I actually wrote up.  I used this all the time, and yes, I actually still have this iPod which was my very first – it doesn’t charge any longer, but I can’t bring myself to say goodbye to it!

I made this because I kept misplacing my headphones, and quite frankly, just because I could.  I mean its something I can cover in yarn, so why wouldn’t I!  I’m not going to offer that pattern here, but I will offer the patterns I just updated on Ravelry yesterday.  We have the Frog Closure, which is probably my most popular pattern.  The Kohl Bag, Ruffled Bag (using the ruffle yarn from my tutorial) and the Tunisian Pill Box Baby Hat are patterns I just have published here.  My Multi-Color Spiral Hat, Royalty On Hat and Rudolph Hat were all published in Crochet Pattern a Day calendars.  A lot of hats… they are small.


Pattern writing is hard.  Well, not so much hard as very time consuming, so most of the things I have made I do not have a pattern written for – things larger than hats.  I may change that in the near future and take a bit more time while making to write things down.  In the meantime, please enjoy!

Happy Crafting

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